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Day 2

Day 2

Devotion Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 3:18

In day two from the “Mountain” readings, I reflected on the contrast between Moses’ veil, after being in the presence of God, and the purpose of the veil that Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 3:18 “And we all, with unveiled faces, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
I am led to these two conclusions:
1. Our Union with Christ carries us to higher spiritual privilege than that of Moses or any other “saint” of the Old Testament.
2. Time with God should change us in a way that is apparent to others.
Prayer for my daughter: For wisdom as she struggles through her school work. Thank you God for her personality; that she is able to see past the exterior and make friends of those less popular or attractive and can bring glory to God in how she sees inner beauty.
Thoughts for the model for the 40 day fast: days 1-10, water only; days 11-20, Daniel’s fast; days 21-30 Daniel’s fast (eating during daylight hours only); days 31-40 Daniel’s fast (eating during non-daylight hours only).

As the LORD leads, pray with specific intent for members of your family each day

Prayer for my wife: Thank God for the service she provides in making our family comfortable and safe. Thank God for granting that we be married, and ask that I might be a better husband to her, and a better father to our children. Ask I would be more kind and respectful of her. Thank God for the love that He allows in our relationship.

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