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Paul's Letter to the Church at Colossae


There is a unique challenge today that I hope you will accept. The words that follow, God has granted that I share with You, for your edification, to speak to Him. This is my prayer, and it is for you to also pray if you are willing. After you read it and pray it, ask God that He will also give you perfect clarity of His Word, spoken through Paul, in Colossians 1:1-29. I trust that you will understand why God delivered this to us today.

Remind me to pray for those You've revealed to me as among Your children, my fellow servants in Christ. Thank You, when You surprise me and show me another of Your followers, of whom I did not previously know. Father let Your Word constantly bear fruit and multiply just as You command in John 15:16. LORD, that I would recognize when the saints render service to You and bring others into Your saving grace. Let me learn from their testimony and be led by Your Spirit to do likewise. Let me be faithful to nurture in love and respect, by faith, those who have come into this knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that they too will know of Your power to work through them to Your glory. In this LORD, I will give You thanks. I am an unworthy recipient of the inheritance into the Kingdom of the Son of Your love, of Your redemption, of Your forgiveness of sins. Jesus, You, before all things, are now holding all things together. You lead us from death into life, firstborn of the recipients of peace through the blood You shed on the cross. You did this, for me, and for those whom You've appointed me to pray, when we were lost, wrecked, ravaged, and filthy in sin. Now You've washed and purified us, to present us before Your Father. I will remain as You have cleansed me, firmly grounded and steadfast in the faith of the Gospel, from which I WILL NOT MOVE AWAY! I will thank You God, for the burden of service, and call it a blessing. You have appointed me for Your purpose, and I gladly receive it. You have revealed to us in Your Word, all that You chose to remain hidden for thousands of years. Now, because of Christ, we know the hope of glory! I will make You known LORD! Father, grant me Your wisdom, that I may teach others, that they too may be complete in Christ. You have formed me for this purpose and commanded me to do this, by Your power. I receive, heed, thank You, and praise You for Your call. Amen.

Paul's Letter to the Church at Colossae


Paul is once again compelling encouragement and understanding toward the church at the beginning of this chapter. As I read verses 6-8, I found myself considering them the theme of our recent experiences, growing together, prevailing against the world. See if you do not also. Paul uses the metaphors of circumcision, and certificate of debt, to deliver an understanding of Christ's removal and payment for our sins through His sacrifice on the cross. Read verse 14 for Paul's beautiful imagery of how Christ dealt with our sin. Paul devotes the remainder of the chapter to legalism and the prideful boasting of misguided leadership that is not truly subject to Christ, from which we have freedom. Remember to pray as you read from God's Word, asking Him what He would reveal to you today.

Paul's Letter to the Church at Colossae


Chapter three is a segment of Colossians written to motivate believers to strive for maturity. Here is a basic outline: A. 3:1-4 Believers should concentrate on things of heaven and not things of earth. B. 3:5-11 Believers should put off their old sinful lifestyle, characteristic of the old world. C. 3:12-17 Believers should instead put on a "new-creational" lifestyle focusing on Christ. D. 3:18-4:1 This new lifestyle should take place especially in the workplace and at home.
As you read it today, apply these principles to your life and know that this is God's letter written to "you" specifically and personally.

Paul's Letter to the Church at Colossae


How often I've prayed the same thing that Paul is asking the church at Colossae to pray for him - "that God will open a door for the word, so that we may speak the mystery of Christ." (v3) Verses 2-6 are a devotion we should call out to God; that our lives honor this petition, and which we also pray for those we know are called to lead us in our churches - our pastors, our teachers, even those among us in this group who would speak up and share what God puts on your heart. In this closing chapter of Colossians, note also the individuals Paul names. Note their roles and what Paul acknowledges in them: Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas, Archippus. Note the concern he expresses for the church at Laodicea (as he did in the previous chapter) and understand that this is one of the seven churches of Revelation that John writes of as being lukewarm in their faith. As you read today, ask God to "open a door for the word, so that we may speak the mystery of Christ."

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