Day 04 Seven (or five) Principles of Purpose
Branch Staton
Response Commentary to corresponding entry from the Devotional "Man of Purpose and Power" by Dr. Myles Munroe.
It wasn't really convinced of all seven of the principles outlined in today's devotional. I did, however, agree with at least part of five of these principles.
1. God is a God of purpose.
2. God created everything with a purpose.
5. To discover the purpose of something, never asked the creation; Ask the Creator.
6. We find our purpose only in the mind of our Maker.
7. God's purpose is the key to our fulfillment.
A key insight from the scripture is in Isaiah 14:24 “As I have purposed so it will happen.” God does not have to act on it, nor speak. His purpose will happen. Just as all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28). All things according to His purpose will work.
My response to the thought for today, that God is a God of purpose, is simply that...
I agree.
Just as I know He moves with the outcome determined, I can also know that nothing occurs without His knowledge, permission, design, purpose, and love.