Day 05 God Will FulFill His Purposes
Branch Staton
Response Commentary to corresponding entry from the Devotional "Man of Purpose and Power" by Dr. Myles Munroe.
This is an important concept to understand -"God will fulfill his purposes." And God knew it was essential for us to understand it and showed us its importance by swearing an oath to it. If God will fulfill His purposes, then "I" cannot derail His purposes. If I'm frustrated by the sin in my life that so easily besets me, then I might also become frustrated with God if I believed my sin also affected whether His will was still "on track."
He always meant for us to know that we never need to doubt that our inadequacies equate to flaws in God's perfect will, plan, and purpose. Which is why He stated it exactly the way He did in: "swearing by Himself" that "as He has planned and purposed, so it will happen" (Isaiah 14:24),
My response to the thought for today "God is purposeful, and He always carries out His purposes" is that I can't mess it up, no matter whether I am wrong, do wrong, choose wrong, get frustrated, or even consider giving up. And God will never give up on me.
Isaiah 14: 24 "the Lord of armies has sworn, ‘surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen’."