Day 06 God Created Everything With A Purpose
Branch Staton
Response Commentary to corresponding entry from the Devotional "Man of Purpose and Power" by Dr. Myles Munroe.
Recognizing I have a purpose and acting according to that purpose are two different things. Ephesians 1:3-14 speaks of having been predestined according to God's purpose. We can know therefore that we will act according to God's plan. And so will every other aspect of God's creation. We don't have to blame the fact that someone else acted sinfully, or something else didn't function according to its purpose. God doesn't conceive of and then create flawed people. The better question is, why am I this way? And how does that contribute to the purpose for which I've been created.
My response to the thought today: To understand how we function as human beings, we have to go to the manual given to us by the designer and manufacturer who created us;
is: Read the Bible.