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Day 07 Not Every Purpose is Known to Us

Branch Staton

Response Commentary to corresponding entry from the Devotional "Man of Purpose and Power" by Dr. Myles Munroe.

While the theme of today's devotion is entitled “not every purpose is known to us,” the thoughts steer toward mankind's defiance of God's purpose. When Paul wrote Romans, he considered the depravity of man in 70AD I wonder how that same depravity persists without spiraling into chaotic oblivion 2000 years later, since the same descriptors from Romans 1:16-32 are present in 2022 AD.

David's devotion to God's Word and Psalm 119:97-112 shows his utter dependence on remaining devout to what God alone will teach him through His Word. This is what Paul also desires for the church in Rome, and what God desires for us today.

Response to thought: We have grown further and further away from God's original intent and design, so that we function less and less as we were meant to.

However true this may be, it has been true for millennia. The key is to break the pattern as individuals and then share that experience with others, allowing them to do the same, pointing them to the same source of conversion: God's Word.

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