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Day 8

Day 8

Planned for God's Pleasure

This is a chapter about pleasure that focuses on worship in every aspect of our lives. Even when we know. That we were created for God's pleasure, and that he is the beneficiary of our actions, we still fight our nature to make it about ourselves. Warren best illustrated this by describing parishioners of a church stating, “I really got a lot out of the worship service today,” failing to recognize that God is the object of our worship. It is the same way in other areas of achievement. If you do a good job, it is usually for someone else, or for your employer. They are the beneficiary, but we're only satisfied in doing well when we are acknowledged for having done so. Have you ever said (or heard) “they didn't even say thank you!”? Apply how that looks when our “good job.” for the Lord, is held against all that He has ever done for us. Instead, we count it a privilege to serve the Creator of the universe and Redeemer of our souls. Now, don't misunderstand, I can be filled with joy, or reverent with humility, or silent and awe, for so many other things as I worship God with my life. But the focus isn't about me, or how I feel. It is about whether I am responding to God according to the purposes for which I was created. Whether that's singing, typing at a computer, changing a diaper, hammering a nail, digging a ditch, or writing a note. It's everything I do.

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